My art assigns symbols to The Unknowable, reaching through the ephemeral illusion we have come to know as reality, to an underlying, timeless, spiritual narrative. In this Universal Mythology, fulfilment reflects from mystery, encouraging us to find, within ourselves, a unique understanding beyond the grasp of intellect – a feeling of connection. Through my work, I aim to inspire you not only to Think, but more importantly, to Feel, to Love.

The fire of the gods, burning bright – its warmth emanates from the parted palms of the open-hearted. With promethean pleasure, I open the door for you to see your own Divinity.

Every Man and Woman is a Star. Do what thou wilt.

I appreciate your visit to my Art website. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or comments about what you have seen here. Also, for inquiries concerning the price of an original, or to schedule an appointment to view one or more original(s) in person, I can be reached via this contact form.

Additionally, feel very free to add yourself to my e-mailing list if you’d like to receive occasional updates about exhibits and new works & prints. (I use this list sparingly and share it with no one).

Thanks again for your interest in my Art.

Cheers, Don Farrell